EDI Vendors

Trading Partners can report directly via SFTP, use the MODWC free web system (recommended for low volume use only), or use the EDI vendor of their choice. An EDI vendor is a company that sells EDI software or services to manage FROI and SROI reporting. The vendors listed below are known to offer EDI services. All EDI vendors must successfully complete required testing with the MODWC's EDI contractor before live data transmissions begin.

This list is for informational purposes only. It is not an approved vendor list, is not exhaustive, and inclusion on the list does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the MODWC. The MODWC cannot provide any assistance in a dispute between a Trading Partner and their chosen vendor.

If you are an EDI vendor and wish to have your information added to this page, please send an email to MODWCEDI@verisk.com.

Aerie EDI Group, LLC
Contact: Pat Cannon
Email: patc@aerieedigroup.com
Phone: (434) 509-4494

Ebix, Inc
Contact: Shayne Garner
Email: Shayne.Garner@ebix.com
Phone: (801) 208-5493

HealthTech, Inc
Contact: Mark Hughes
Email: mhughes@htedi.com
Phone: (913) 764-9347

Contact: Enlyte Sales Team
Email: hello@enlyte.com
Phone: (866) 389-2069

Contact: Jeremy King
Email: Jeremy.King@riskonnect.com
Phone: (312) 300-0644

Contact: Ellen Heiber
Email: Ellen.Heiber@verisk.com
Phone: (813) 505-8432